
Material for MkDocs

Documentation that simply works

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A powerful documentation framework on top of MkDocs.

Write your documentation in Markdown and create a professional static site for your Open Source or commercial project in minutes – searchable, customizable, more than 60 languages, for all devices.

Everything you would expect

It's just Markdown

Focus on the content of your documentation and create a professional static site in minutes. No need to know HTML, CSS or JavaScript – let Material for MkDocs do the heavy lifting for you.

Works on all devices

Serve your documentation with confidence – Material for MkDocs automatically adapts to perfectly fit the available screen estate, no matter the type or size of the viewing device. Desktop. Tablet. Mobile. All great.

Made to measure

Make it yours – change the colors, fonts, language, icons, logo, and more with a few lines of configuration. Material for MkDocs can be easily extended and provides many options to alter appearance and behavior.

Fast and lightweight

Don't let your users wait – get incredible value with a small footprint by using one of the fastest themes available with excellent performance, yielding optimal search engine rankings and happy users that return.

Built for everyone

Make accessibility a priority – users can navigate your documentation with touch devices, keyboards, and screen readers. Semantic markup ensures that your documentation works for everyone.

Open Source

Trust 20,000+ users – choose a mature and actively maintained solution built with state-of-the-art Open Source technologies. Keep ownership of your content without fear of vendor lock-in. Licensed under MIT.