

A fast, scalable, and popular feature flag management service.

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FeatBit is an open-source feature flags management tool that empowers developers:

Ship Code Safely. Mitigate risks with Production Testing, roll out features to 1% of users initially then expanding progressively, and ensure instant error recovery without redeployment.

Targeted Experiences. Giving you control over who sees each feature and when they see it. Release features to specific target users, and continuously measure and improve your business.

Innovate Faster. Decouples code deployments from feature releases. Deploy at will, and release any feature immediately upon request from the boss.

Host Anywhere. FeatBit allows you to host your feature flags service wherever your business needs it, ensuring compliance and data protection.

Born for developers. Use simple if/else statements to control and release features, eliminating complex DevOps tasks. This enables developers to directly drive business value.


FeatBit offers a range of features including:



Building FeatBit is a collaborative effort, and we owe much gratitude to many intelligent and talented individuals.

Join Slack to get your assignment.


We would like to express our gratitude to all the individuals who have already contributed to FeatBit!

<a href="https://github.com/featbit/featbit/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=featbit/featbit" /> </a>

Made with contrib.rocks.


FeatBit is an Open Core product. The bulk of the code is under permissive MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

The following listed features are protected by a commercial license key, please contact us by Slack or Email to get a license key or a trial license key:

  • Schedule
  • Change request
  • SSO
  • Multi-organizations