you only foucus on coding
Zeabur can automatically analyze the code to determine what language and framework the project uses.
All Services In One platform
Deploy all the services you need in the same place, reduce management costs, and improve transmission speeds.
only pay what you use
You only pay for the resources your service actually uses, not the whole EC2 instance.
For more information, please refer to the pricing page.
Shared cluster is the easiest way to deploy services, you don't need to think about what a server is, just select the region you like and start deploying services.
Already have a server? No problem. You can bind your server to Zeabur and enjoy a first-class development experience.
One-click purchase of cloud servers from various VPS providers around the world, while being convenient, cost-effective, and secure.
Your service has a new version to deploy? Just push the code to GitHub, and the new version will be automatically online.
As your service needs more and more demand, we can automatically expand the resources it needs.
Store files uploaded by users from your backend program, just like S3 or GCS, but simpler!
Manage all the complex variables your system needs in a single configuration file, no more dizzying .env files!
You can generate a domain name for the service you deploy, or use your own domain name and add a CNAME record.
In the web console GUI, you can easily manage the files of your service, like in a cloud disk.