
Backup | Domain port binding | New Upgrade Page



Worrying about your data for services deployed on Zeabur? We've released the backup feature for all the Developer Plan and Team Plan users! Now you can backup and download the data of your containerized services with one click.

You can check this documentation for a more detailed instruction.

Create Domain with Selected Port

A prebuilt service may have multi ports, for example, Logto service has a port for the web interface, another port for the admin console interface, so you need two domains to get Logto working as expectation.

Now Zeabur add the support for creating a domain with a selected port, just type your domain name and select a port for it, then you can visit the specific port of your service.

You can see our documentation of deploying Logto as an example.

New Upgrade Page

We've renewed our upgrade page in dashboard to give you a better experience of upgrading your plan. You can manage your plan in this page more clearly. We've also added some commonly asked questions and answers for them in this page.

Other Updates

  1. Bump zbpack version
  2. Add a config to let Node.js project can disable layer caching
  3. Add zeabur.app to public suffix

Bugs Fixed

  1. Remove empty lines in serverless log

Coming Soon

  1. Serverless functions for Python
  2. See network usages in dashboard