
Introducing Templates

Deploy your project with one click.


We are excited to share that deploying projects just got easier with Zeabur. You can now create templates with multiple services and deploy them all with just one click! You can also embed the deployment button in markdown format. Be sure to check out the templates available for deployment or create your own template. Happy deploying!

.NET Support

Zeabur now supports .NET services!

Thanks for our great community, absundr helps us a lot with .NET support!

Other Updates

  1. FastAPI support
  2. WordPress support
  3. About page to introduce team, we are here: https://zeabur.com/about!
  4. Python pdm support
  5. Use Cobra to enhance zbpack CLI, thanks for waymedev.
  6. Add a lock button in the log tab
  7. Upgrade Ghost to v5

Bugs Fixed

  1. Fix some typo in dashboard and landing page
  2. Fix deployment duration
  3. Invalid GitHub apps installations stuck in db