
Drag, Drop and Deploy


We are excited to announce that you can now drag and drop your local project to deploy on Zeabur.

Drag and Drop

Instead of creating a GitHub repository, pushing codes, and deploy from GitHub, you can now simply drag and drop your local project, and we will take care of the rest for you.

Preview and Configure Deployment

After you've uploaded the codes to Zeabur, we'll analyze the codes and determine how we are going to deploy your project.

You can preview the deployment configuration and make changes such as root directory and environment variables.


Can I link my GitHub repository to the project after deploying?

Yes, you can link your GitHub repository to the project after deploying in our dashboard.

Can I drag and drop again to update the project?

The feature is not available yet, but we are working on it. You can update the project by linking your GitHub repository to the project and pushing the changes to the repository.