
i18n and Custom path


i18n for simplified and traditional Chinese

We’ve added Chinese language support in our dashboard.

To change language, you can go to settings modal, and choose your language preferences.

Your email notifications from Zeabur will be the same language you set in dashboard!

Custom build and start command for Node.js service

You can now override the default build and start commands for Node.js services! This is very useful for monorepo projects or if you have custom configurations that differ from the default framework configs.

This feature will be available for other providers (Go, Python, Java...) besides Node.js soon!

Custom output path for Node.js service

For some projects that build static files as output (such as Vite, create-react-app, or Astro without SSR), you can provide the output directory and Zeabur will deploy it as static files. This can help you decrease CPU and memory usage, because you don’t need any runtime to serve these files.

This feature will soon be available for other providers (Go, Python, Java...) besides Node.js!

Edit variables as raw

You can now edit your variables in a raw editor, this is helpful if you want to import / export existing variables from the .env file.

Variable Reference

You can now use template syntax to refer other variables in the variable editor. The real value will be resolve automatically during the deployment process.

Project icon and description

You can now set project icon and description for each of your projects.

Other updates

  1. We’ve reached 100 subscriptions of developer plan! Thanks for your support.
  2. Node.js Provider: Astro SSR supported https://github.com/zeabur/astro-ssr-template
  3. PHP Provider: ThinkPHP supported https://github.com/zeabur/thinkphp-template
  4. PHP Provider: Codeigniter supported https://github.com/zeabur/codeigniter-template
  5. Service Marketplace: SurrealDB supported https://surrealdb.com/
  6. Service Marketplace: AFFiNE supported https://affine.pro/

Bugs fixed

  1. Marketplace service metrics
  2. Avoid user delete the last environment of project
  3. Usage metrics value is doubled
  4. Build logs streaming to the runtime logs window
  5. Click plus icon in project list page cannot open create service modal