
Introduction of Network Traffic Fees


Network Traffic Fees

To sustain the quality and reliability you have come to expect from us, we are introducing a fee for network traffic usage.

We charge the network traffic for a basic free quota and usage based fees for traffic beyond the free quota. The price is US$1 / 10GB

You can check the price details in our documentation.

For Developers and Teams

There will be a free quota of 100GB network usage. You only have to pay the part beyond the free quota.

Here are some use cases for you:

  1. If your services used network traffic for 90GB, you won't be charged for network fees.
  2. If your services used 400GB, then you have to pay the fees for 300GB.

For Serverless Plan Users

There will be a free quota of 10GB network usage. You only have to pay the part beyond the free quota.

If your services used more than 10GB, you need to pay for the beyond part of network usage or your services will be suspended automatically.