
Open Source the Marketplace

Our Marketplace is Now Open-source


As a company that ❤️ OSS, we now open the recipe of Marketplace to everyone!

You can contribute your awesome services to our Marketplace, and it then will be able to deploy in one click. In addition to creating a pull request and contributing a new Marketplace Service, you can also optimize and audit our current services 😊

To check out the new recipes, see our new marketplace directory under zeabur/zeabur on our GitHub.

Usage Details

We have added the total cost to the usage history graph. This provides a comprehensive overview of all costs associated with your service, project, or environment during a given time period.

Email Preference

Do you receive unwanted emails? You can now manage your email preferences by navigating to Settings > General. From there, you can choose to subscribe or unsubscribe from Failing Builds and Crashed Deployment emails. More fine-grained email preference settings will be available in the future.

Other Updates

  1. RSSHub, Halo, Ghost and Opencatd are now available in our marketplace.
  2. WSGI for Flask app
  3. The documentation about how to deploy a Rust application has been released.
  4. The path of the Go document has been refactored to be clear.

Bugs Fixed

  1. The text in open-graph image may corrupt/garbled.
  2. Support more expressive version constraints (such as ^16 || ^18) for package.json