Services that run continuously can quickly deplete your credits. But don't worry, now you can suspend your services whenever you want.
To suspend your services, click the button next to "Running" in the upper right corner. After clicking, the status will change from "Running" to "Stopping", and finally to "Suspended". To restart your services, click the button next to "Suspended", and the status will change from "Suspended" to "Starting", and then to "Running".
We’ve added a new feature of Runtime Log to Marketplace Services. Retrieve the runtime logs from your Marketplace Service by simply clicking on the log tab. This will enable you to gain deeper insights into your Marketplace Service's performance and to identify any potential issues that may arise. We hope that you find this new feature helpful and that it will enhance your experience with our Marketplace Services.
You can now access your billing history, which displays your balance and credit history. To view your billing history, go to the Settings of your account and click on the Usage tab. Here, you can access a detailed overview of all past billing history, including the timestamp, amount, and the reason of balance/credit updates.
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