
Subscribe to Zeabur with Stripe

Subscription, also with one click.


We’re now using Stripe for our subscription system. You can bind your credit card (billing with USD) or Alipay (billing with CNY) for your subscription. Go to update your subscription!

  1. You can’t change your payment method after choosing one. For instance, once you’ve connected your Alipay, you can’t go back to bind your credit card.
  2. Some of you may still have some account balance. Don’t worry about it! If you’re going to bind a credit card for subscription, just go ahead and the balance will become a discount for your subscription. If you are going to use Alipay when you still have some balance, just go ahead to our Discord to ask for help, we’ll handle your balance in Zeabur.

Rust Support

We are thrilled to announce that Zeabur now officially supports Rust! We believe that this expansion of our language support will greatly benefit our users, as Rust is becoming increasingly popular in the development community. We are confident that our users will find Rust to be an invaluable addition to their toolkit and we look forward to seeing what you will create with it.

This amazing work is thanks to our talented intern Pan93412!

Usage History

You can view the usage history of projects, services, and environments in the usage history chart. This will give you a more comprehensive understanding of how your resources are being utilized over time, and allow you to identify patterns that could help you optimize your usage and reduce costs.

Analyzing your usage history can also help you make more informed decisions about future resource allocation. By seeing which services and environments have the highest usage and which ones may need more attention, you can allocate resources more effectively.

Furthermore, the usage history can be downloaded as images or CSV files. Take advantage of this powerful tool and start exploring your usage history today!

Admin Console of Marketplace Service

Zeabur now supports an "Admin Console" button in the Connect tab for marketplace services that use multiple ports to expose their admin console, such as MinIO and Logto. This allows you to access the console without any extra configuration!

Other Updates

  1. Add a redeploy button for running/crashed services.
  2. Leave project confirm.

Bugs Fixed

  1. Show the default service plan type.
  2. Auto scroll realtime logs.
  3. Marketplace service’ s “HOST” environment variables now using internal DNS for better performence.