Service Marketplace
Deploy RabbitMQ

Deploy RabbitMQ Service

Zeabur provides RabbitMQ service, allowing you to deploy RabbitMQ message queue on Zeabur with just one click.


Currently, the version of RabbitMQ service is 3-management.

Deploy RabbitMQ Service

To deploy this service, you will need to create a project first if you haven't done so. You can follow this document to create your project.

In your project, click on New Service, then click on Prebuilt button. In the pop-up search bar, search for RabbitMQ.


After clicking on deploy, Zeabur will automatically deploy the RabbitMQ service for you.

Environment Variables

After deploying the RabbitMQ service, Zeabur will automatically inject the relevant environment variables into other services.


Sometimes, instead of using the above environment variables, you can add your own DATABASE_URL variable to simplify the URI declaration. For example:


Here, <DATABASE_NAME> is the name of the Vhost that you have added.

Online Management Interface

The RabbitMQ service provides an online management interface, allowing you to manage the RabbitMQ service in the browser.

You can access the RabbitMQ service's online management interface by visiting http://<RABBITMQ_HOST>:15672.

DSN settings

You can use the DSN of the RabbitMQ service (that is, the connection string of the RabbitMQ service) with the variable ${RABBITMQ_URI}.