A powerful and easy-to-use open-source website building tool.
Halo [ˈheɪloʊ], a powerful and easy-to-use open-source website building tool.
After binding a domain in Zeabur, please restart the Halo service. After restarting, Halo will automatically configure the set domain as the external access address, so no manual setup is needed.
If you need to upgrade the version of Halo, simply change the version number of the image in the service settings.
You can view the list of Halo versions at halohub/halo. For release notes, please visit: Halo Official Website - Release Notes.
After modifying the image version, the service will automatically restart, and the upgrade will be completed after a short wait.
Although Zeabur also provides backup functionality for services, Halo's built-in backup feature is platform-independent, so it is more recommended to use Halo's built-in backup feature for backups.
Additionally, if you need to migrate your existing Halo service to Zeabur, using Halo's backup and restore feature is also a better choice.
For information on how to use Halo's backup and restore feature, please refer to: Halo Documentation - Backup and Restore.