
Symfony Deployment Guide

Zeabur uses NGINX + PHP-FPM as the default server to run your Symfony service.

Automatic Optimization

By default, Zeabur runs the following optimization commands 1 2:

composer dump-env prod
composer run-script --no-dev post-install-cmd
php bin/console cache:clear

You can disable these automatic optimization commands by setting the PHP_OPTIMIZE=false variable. Then, use custom build commands to fine-tune your optimization process.

Webpack Encore and AssetMapper Support

If Zeabur detects that your project is configured with AssetMapper or Webpack Encore, it will automatically run the following commands:

php bin/console asset-map:compile
./node_modules/.bin/encore production

Zeabur will first run npm install, composer install, and any custom build commands before building these assets.

You can disable automatic asset compilation by setting the PHP_OPTIMIZE=false variable. Then, use custom build commands to fine-tune your asset compilation process.


