Fair use Guidelines
All of the plans on Zeabur is subject to the following fair use guidelines. These guidelines are designed to ensure that all customers receive fair and equal access to the Zeabur services.
Example of fair use
- Static sites like blogs, documentation, and personal websites.
- Databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB.
- Backend APIs for mobile apps, web apps, and IoT devices.
- Object storage for images, videos, and other media files.
Never fair use
- VPN and Proxy services.
- Cryptocurrency mining.
- Scraping and crawling services.
- Illegal activities.
- Torrent aggregators
- Automated bots and scripts.
Usage guidelines
We expect that all our users can use our services fairly, and we reserve the right to suspend or terminate any account that violates these guidelines.
- For Serverless plan users, since you're not getting verified with a paid plan, if we've detected that your usage is not fair, we will terminate your services immediately, and if you keep violating the guidelines, we will suspend your account permanently.
- For Developer plan and Team plan users, we will notify you first via email if we've detected that your usage is not fair, and there will be a 3-day grace period for you to adjust your usage.
Commercial usage
Serverless plans are restricted to non-commercial use only. All commercial usage requires a Developer or Team plan.
Commercial usage is defined as any usage that is intended for commercial purposes, including but not limited to:
- Requesting payment for access to your services.
- Advertising or promoting a product or service.
- Receving payment for the service development and maintenance.
- With a primary purpose of affiliate marketing.
Donations are not considered commercial usage.
If you're unsure whether your usage is considered commercial, please contact us.