Project Manage
Invite Member

Invite Member

There may be two or more members in a project, project owner can invite member into the project to manage the services.

How to invite member

Step1: Open the project settings

First, open your project which you want to invite member. Click on the config button in the left top corner of the project page, you will be navigated to the project settings page.

Project Config

Step2: Invite member

Choose the team panel from the sidebar, you will see the invite member button in the team panel.

Project Settings

Fill in the email address of the member you want to invite, and click the invite button. The member will receive an email invitation to join the project.

You can also copy the invitation link and share it with the member you want to invite, then the member can just open the link to join the project.

Invite Member


  • Q: Can I invite a member who is not registered on zeabur?

    • A: Currently, you can only invite members who have registered on zeabur.
  • Q: What permissions does the member have after joining the project?

    • A: The member will have the same permissions as the project owner except for the ability to delete the project.
  • Q: Can I remove a member from the project?

    • A: Yes, you can remove a member from the project in the team panel of the project settings page.