Creating Templates from YAML

Creating Templates from YAML

In addition to using the Zeabur Dashboard to create templates, you can also use the zeabur CLI to deploy, create, and manage templates in a format similar to Docker Compose (opens in a new tab) or Kubernetes Object (opens in a new tab) from YAML.

YAML (Resource) Format

Zeabur uses a single YAML file to describe the template resources referred to as Template Resource.

apiVersion: zeabur.com/v1
kind: Template
    name: RSSHub
    description: Everything is RSSible
    icon: https://docs.rsshub.app/logo.png
    coverImage: https://zeabur.com/docs/_next/image?url=%2Fdocs%2F_next%2Fstatic%2Fmedia%2Fintro.5b73c4f8.png&w=3840&q=75
        - key: PUBLIC_DOMAIN
          type: DOMAIN
          name: Domain
          description: What is the domain you want for your RSSHub?
        - Tool
    readme: |-
        # RSSHub
        RSSHub is an open source, easy to use, and extensible RSS feed aggregator, it's capable of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything.
        RSSHub delivers millions of contents aggregated from all kinds of sources, our vibrant open source community is ensuring the deliver of RSSHub's new routes, new features and bug fixes.
        - name: Redis
          icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeabur/service-icons/main/marketplace/redis.svg
          template: PREBUILT
                image: redis/redis-stack-server:latest
                - id: database
                  port: 6379
                  type: TCP
                - id: data
                  dir: /data
                - type: TEXT
                  title: Command to connect to your Redis
                  content: redis-cli -h ${PORT_FORWARDED_HOSTNAME} -p ${DATABASE_PORT_FORWARDED_PORT} -a ${REDIS_PASSWORD}
                - type: TEXT
                  title: Redis Connection String
                - type: PASSWORD
                  title: Redis password
                  content: ${REDIS_PASSWORD}
                  category: Credentials
                - type: TEXT
                  title: Redis host
                  content: ${PORT_FORWARDED_HOSTNAME}
                  category: Hostname & Port
                - type: TEXT
                  title: Redis port
                  content: ${DATABASE_PORT_FORWARDED_PORT}
                  category: Hostname & Port
                    default: --requirepass ${REDIS_PASSWORD}
                    default: redis://:${REDIS_PASSWORD}@${REDIS_HOST}:${REDIS_PORT}
                    expose: true
                    readonly: true
                    default: ${CONTAINER_HOSTNAME}
                    expose: true
                    readonly: true
                    default: ${PASSWORD}
                    expose: true
                    default: ${DATABASE_PORT}
                    expose: true
                    readonly: true
                    default: ${REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING}
                    expose: true
                    readonly: true
        - name: RSSHub
          icon: https://docs.rsshub.app/logo.png
          template: PREBUILT
                image: diygod/rsshub
                - id: web
                  port: 1200
                  type: HTTP
                    default: ${REDIS_URI}
                    default: ${REDIS_URI}
            domainKey: PUBLIC_DOMAIN
    description: LobeChat 是一個開源的高效能聊天機器人框架。
      - key: PUBLIC_DOMAIN
        type: DOMAIN
        name: 網域
        description: 你想將 RSSHub 綁在哪個網域上?
    readme: |-
        # RSSHub
        RSSHub 是一個開源、易於使用且可擴展的 RSS 資訊聚合器,能夠從幾乎所有來源生成 RSS 資訊。
        RSSHub 提供來自各種來源的數百萬內容,我們充滿活力的開源社群確保提供 RSSHub 的新路線、新功能和錯誤修復。

A Template can be divided into three main sections: "Template Information", "Service Specifications", and "Localization". The complete format can be viewed in the Zeabur Schema Repository (opens in a new tab). Below, each field's purpose and how it is presented on the Zeabur template page will be briefly described.

Template Definition

Appearance of each field in the template definition on the Zeabur template page

apiVersion and kind are always zeabur.com/v1 and Template.

In metadata, name is the arbitrary template name, such as RSSHub, Lobe-Chat, and ChatGPT API. This will appear in the WeWe RSS block in the image above.

In spec, description is a brief summary of the template, displayed under the template title. icon is the template's icon, a URL pointing to an image, shown next to the template title. tags are the template's labels, with reference categories available on the template browsing page's left Tags section (opens in a new tab). Correct tags not only help users find templates easily but also optimize SEO.

readme is the template's documentation, written in Markdown format, displayed at the bottom of the template page. coverImage is shown above the documentation and is also a URL pointing to an image; it can be left blank.

variables are the variables users can set during deployment. The type can be STRING (a normal variable string) or DOMAIN (Zeabur guides domain setup); key corresponds to the service's environment variables, with Zeabur automatically creating an environment variable in all services as specified. name and description correspond to the variable name and description during template deployment, as shown below.

Variable presentation in Template deployment popup

Service Specifications

Appearance of each field in the service specifications on the Zeabur Dashboard project page

services are the template's service specifications. Zeabur will deploy the specified services into the project during deployment. The service's name is its name, and icon is its icon. template declares whether the service is a Docker image (PREBUILT) or a service deployed from Git (GIT).

dependencies declare the services this service depends on. Zeabur can wait for the specified services to start before starting your service, avoiding the trouble of repeatedly restarting services. For example, if your service blog depends on redis and postgresql, you can specify as below. Note that redis and postgresql must also be services defined in the template.

    - redis
    - postgresql

The startup relationship is as follows:

spec is the Service Specification. Detailed information on each field can be found in the Template Service Specifications documentation (opens in a new tab). Below is a brief description of key points in the service specifications:

For PREBUILT services, you need to specify the Docker image (image), and optionally the execution command and parameters (command and args). If your image is stored in a private registry, you may want to specify the username and password to pull. Additionally, you can specify the user ID (runAsUserID) to run your container in the non-root mode. For GIT services, you need to specify the Git repository type (currently only GITHUB), repository ID (currently only GitHub's repoID (opens in a new tab)), and optionally the branch (branch).

ports specifies the service Ports to be exposed to the project or even externally. HTTP services can be connected using a domain name (e.g., https://my-service.zeabur.app), while TCP and UDP services can use Zeabur's forwarding link xxx.clusters.zeabur.com:12345. For example, if type is HTTP and port is 12345, others can connect to your service listening on 12345 port via https://my-service.zeabur.app.

volumes specifies the persistent storage paths for the service. In principle, Zeabur restores the service's state to the initial state (Stateless) after each Redeploy or Restart, but if you need to persist some data, you can use volumes to specify the persistent storage path. For example, if dir is /data, it means your service can persist data under the /data path until the service is deleted.

instructions tell other users how to use your service, such as the example Redis Connection String, which provides how others can connect to Redis using a Client. type can be DOMAIN (a button that directs to the specified URL when clicked), TEXT (text), PASSWORD (password, hidden by default), and category is a customizable classification, not currently displayed on the frontend.

env is the service's environment variables. default is the default value of the environment variable, expose indicates whether other projects can directly use this variable or use the ${VARIABLE} syntax to reference this variable, and readonly indicates whether it is read-only (cannot be modified after the service is created). For example, if REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING's expose is true, other services can connect to Redis through the REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable, and can also reference this connection string in other environment variables using ${REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING}.

configs are the file-based settings of the service. You can use path and template to specify the default configuration file, making it easier for users to further modify it. You can also specify the permission of your configuration file. For example, with MySQL, you can write the default configs as follows:

        path: /etc/my.cnf
        template: |
        !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

Note that permission must be a decimal number, converted from the octal UNIX file permissions (opens in a new tab). Here are some common permission mappings:

permission valueRaw octal valueReadWriteExecuteSuitable for
2560400OXXConfidential files (e.g., passwords)
4200644OOXNormal readable and writable files. Default permission
4930755OOOExecutable files (e.g., bash scripts)

Note that "Read", "Write", and "Execute" here refer to the permissions of the container user. For details (groups, everyone, etc.), please refer to the above URL.

The domainKey indicates which service the domain (type DOMAIN) variable in the template definition should be bound to. In the example above, spec.variables has a variable PUBLIC_DOMAIN of type DOMAIN, and the RSSHub service specification has a domainKey pointing to PUBLIC_DOMAIN. When deploying, the domain set in PUBLIC_DOMAIN will be bound to the RSSHub service.


You can localize the description, coverImage, variables titles and descriptions, and readme in the template definition. Zeabur will display the corresponding localized content based on the visitor's language.

Presentation of various fields localized on the Zeabur template page

You can localize your contents to zh-TW, zh-CN, ja-JP, and es-ES. Note that en-US is the default language of the template, and you should write directly in the template definition. The format of description, readme, and coverImage is the same as in the template definition. You can translate the field name and description in variables; however, other parts (type and key) must remain the same as in the template definition fields.

Leaving fields blank (or omitting them) will automatically use the default content from the template definition. In the above example, the coverImage is omitted, so Zeabur picks the coverImage from the template definition.

Deploying Templates with the zeabur CLI

If you have finished writing the Template Resource YAML and want to test the deployment, you can use the zeabur CLI to deploy the template.

$ cat wp.yaml | head -n 10
apiVersion: zeabur.com/v1
kind: Template
    name: WordPress
    description: A content management system (CMS) that allows you to host and build websites.
    coverImage: https://kinsta.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/what-is-wordpress.png
    icon: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeabur/service-icons/main/marketplace/wordpress.png
        - key: WORDPRESS_DOMAIN

$ npx zeabur template deploy -f wp.yaml

First, the zeabur CLI will ask you which project you want to deploy to, then it will ask you to fill in the variables specified in the services' variables, and finally, it will deploy the template to the project you specified.

$ npx zeabur template deploy -f wp.yaml
? Select project  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Create a new project
? Select project region  [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
 DigitalOcean - sgp1 (Singapore)
  HuaWei Cloud - cn-east-3 (Shanghai, China)
  Vultr - ewr1 (New Jersey, United States)
  Google Cloud Platform - asia-east1 (Taipei, Taiwan)
> Amazon Web Services - ap-east-1 (Hong Kong)
  Amazon Web Services - ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo, Japan)
  Amazon Web Services - us-west-1 (California, United States)
? What is the domain of your WordPress website? (For example, if you enter "myapp", the domain will be "myapp.zeabur.app") mywordpressdemo7c918e14
INFO	Domain mywordpressdemo7c918e14.zeabur.app is available!
INFO	Template successfully deployed into project "aphylac" (https://dash.zeabur.com/projects/your-project-id).

Publishing Templates Using the zeabur CLI

If testing is successful, you can use the npx zeabur template create command to publish the template for others to use. For example, using the wp.yaml from above:

$ npx zeabur template create -f wp.yaml
INFO	Template "WordPress" (https://zeabur.com/templates/71HORL) created

It is a one-click command. You can click the link to view the deployed template:

Deployed template

You can also add .yaml to the end of link to view the Template's Resource YAML format: https://zeabur.com/templates/71HORL.yaml.

Updating Templates Using the zeabur CLI

If you need to modify the template's content, such as renaming the template or updating the Image version, you can update it after modifying the Resource YAML by using the npx zeabur template update command:

$ npx zeabur template update -c 71HORL -f wp.yaml
INFO	Template updated.